Editing a Bitmap Image

You can edit a bitmap image by selecting it, clicking the Image Tool , and choosing an editing option in the image ribbon. If you want to make more extensive edits to an image, you can use a bitmap editing program such as Picture Publisher.

You can use Designer to crop or trace a bitmap image that is not an OLE object. When you double-click a non-OLE bitmap image, Picture Publisher opens to edit the bitmap image.

If you want to edit a bitmap image that is an OLE object (as indicated in Designer's status bar), you cannot edit it with Designer's cropping or tracing tools. When you double-click the OLE object, the program that supplied the object automatically opens to edit the object.

You can open Picture Publisher with the Edit Image button in the image ribbon. You can also move pictures between Picture Publisher and Designer using the Clipboard or the Import and Export commands.

A bitmap image that is pasted as an OLE object (that is, it is embedded or linked) cannot be edited in Designer.